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Solana Blockchain Development Company

Jack Winston
Solana Blockchain Development Company

What is Solana Blockchain?

Solana is an open-sourced and decentralized public blockchain platform. In 2017, a draft whitepaper was published by Anatoly Yakovenko, which presented the new synchronization algorithm (PoH) Proof of History which makes the transaction faster than the other crypto blockchain. The cryptocurrencies use the time stamp (internal time) for time synchronization but the timestamp cannot be accurate as it does not have a central clock to refer to. 

There comes the node synchronization that was developed for Solana blockchain to make their transactions faster than the present cryptocurrency transaction. Yakovenko introduced PoH as an internal clock.  Solana blockchain becomes the fastest with 400 millisecond block times and is also a user-friendly decentralized blockchain platform.

Benefits of using Solana Blockchain

  • Solana makes it possible for a centralized database to process 710,000 transactions per second on a standard gigabit network.
  • The transaction fee is less than $0.01 for users and developers.
  • Solana becomes the fastest because of its 400 millisecond block times.
  • Clock verification makes Solana unique.
  • Node synchronization makes the transactions fast.
  • Proof of History helps in integrating timestamp with every transaction approval following to track the transactions which serve as a clock.

Solana Blockchain Development

Maticz, the pioneer in Solana blockchain development providing Solana-based blockchain development services. Solana is the fastest and powerful decentralized blockchain. Here at Maticz, we develop Solana-related Decentralized apps, Smart contracts and NFT Marketplaces. Solana blockchain popularity has been increased due to its node synchronization, where the synchronization affects the entire blockchain, and that reflects in the more transactions in the network. 

Solana Blockchain Development Company

Maticz is a leading Solana blockchain development company known globally and continuously working on blockchain development technologies on the platforms like Solana, Ethereum, Binance smart chain, Tron, Polygon, or Matic networks, with an expert team and satisfying the customers by implementing their ideas through blockchain development. Get yourself into the crypto community by implementing your ideas of Solana Dapp, NFT marketplace, Token developments, and Defi.

Know more: Solana Blockchain Development Services >>>

Jack Winston
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