Though some doubted it would ever get off the ground in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics finally managed to happen, albeit a year later than originally scheduled.
Sporting events like the Olympics has taught us that a few inches, split seconds, and even being the slightest bit off your game can mean the difference between finding yourself on the medal podium or ending up with a long plane ride home.The same is true when it comes to brand building.
Brands have been spending the majority of their marketing budget on big, wide catch nets like Facebook advertisements, billboards, direct mail campaigns, and retargeting ads.
But it’s only a piece of the puzzle, and one that is becoming increasingly antiquated in a consumer base that is looking to assign their allegiance to brands that go deeper in their efforts to personalize their customer experience, and create a memorable, satisfying engagement every time.In the past few years, there’s been a shift in the way that we want to purchase, browse, and make informed buyer decisions.
In fact, it’s become so popular to eat Oreos with milk, that it has become a night time ritual for many families, an after school “How was your day?” moment, a way that friend’s bond together at slumber parties, etc.The Oreo brand found a way to not only brand their sandwich cookie, but more importantly, they found a way to make a moment in someone’s life marketable.
The top 5 routes will help to Create Memorable Brand Moments for Your Customers 1.