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All About Cosmetic kybella Injection Treatment

All About Cosmetic kybella Injection Treatment

Do you have crow's feet and other facial wrinkles that you worry about? Would you like to have them treated with cosmetic injections such as Botox, but are worried about the treatment? This introduction to Botox treatment will give you the background to what Botox is all about and how it can make you look up to 10-years younger.


What is Botox?

Botox is the purified protein botulinum toxin type A. When injected in minuscule quantities it causes the muscle at that site to relax, thus diminishing the dynamic lines or wrinkles caused when that muscle contracts.


Is Delray Beach kybella safe?

Botox has been used since the 1970's to treat muscle disorders around the eyes. It was found that one of the results of this treatment was that the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes caused by muscle contraction, such as crow's feet, were reduced when the Botox was injected. Extensive research and clinical practice has now established the optimal way in which to use Botox and it has rapidly become one of the most commonly used non-surgical treatments to reverse the signs of aging, particularly on the upper face.


When injected in the correct quantities to the correct site, individuals treated with Botox can still smile and frown, but the wrinkles that develop when they do this are considerably reduced. Normal facial expression is not affected and the result is a more relaxed and less tired appearance.


What sites can be treated with kybella with Botox?

The sites that are most frequently treated are muscles of the brow that cause frowning, the muscles around the eyes that cause crow's feet and the muscles of the forehead that cause the horizontal forehead lines. Treatment of the upper face usually gives dramatic cosmetic results.


Botox can also be used on the lower face to reduce the downward turn of the corners of the mouth that occur with age, to reduce chin dimpling and to reduce wrinkling of the chest area with movement.


Does it hurt?

Very tiny needles are used, so discomfort is minimal. The sensation feels like a small pin prick. If necessary a numbing cream can be applied beforehand. There is no discomfort following the procedure. There are usually no visible signs left, although sometimes there is a small pinpoint mark which settles within a couple of days. Occasionally there is mild bruising which can be easily covered with make up and disappears within a few days.


Are there any special preparations beforehand?

There are no special preparations beforehand, but it is usually advisable to avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication for a few days before to reduce the chance of bruising.


Are there any individuals in whom Botox should be avoided?

Although there are no reports of birth defects, Botox should not be used in pregnancy and it is also our policy not to use it in nursing mothers. Patients with a history of neuromuscular disease (e.g. multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis) should avoid Botox.


Do I have to take any special precautions afterwards?

It is recommended that you use the muscles which have been treated regularly for an hour after the Botox® injections. This helps 'fix' the Botox in the target muscles and is thought to enhance the result. You should avoid touching the treated areas for four to six hours afterwards and you should remain upright and avoid exercise for four to six hours after the injections. This is to avoid the Botox moving to areas other than the target site. Apart from this, no special precautions are needed.


When does it start to have a noticeable effect?

The effects of Botox start to be noticed within a day, but the full effect usually takes two weeks.


How long will it last?

The effect usually lasts between three to four months until new connections are made to stimulate the muscle again.


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