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Powertrac euro 60 tractor in india 2021- Top featured and its price

Powertrac euro 60 tractor in india 2021- Top featured and its price

Powertrac Euro 60 is one of the best tractor models in India, belonging to the Powertrac brand. The company offers many high-quality tractors ranging from 25 hp to 75 hp. Powertrac Euro 60 Tractor is one of them. It is a 60 hp tractor that comes with 4-cylinders and a 3682 CC engine. The potent engine generates 2200 engine rated RPM. The tractor model is made with the latest technologies and equipped with innovative features. Therefore, it can easily perform agriculture and allied sector applications. The tractor engine is solid and has a good cleaner along with the best cooling system that ensures total regulation of the engines’ temperature. With this engine, the tractor can easily handle rugged farming fields.

Powertrac Euro 60 Tractor - Innovative Features 

Following are the innovative features of the tractor model:- 

  • This tractor fits 8 forward and 2 reverse gears supported with a side shift transmission system. 
  • It runs at varying speeds of 3.0-34.1 kmph forward and 3.4-12.1 kmph reverse speed.  
  • The oil-immersed brakes come with multi-plate discs to ensure enough traction. 
  • It is furnished with a Balanced power steering that easily navigates the tractor. In the farming field.  
  • The 60-litre fuel-efficient tank saves both fuel and additional expenses.
  • This tractor model comes with a Dual /Independent Clutch, which provides smooth functioning. 
  • Powertrac Euro 60 tractor is loaded with 8 Forward & 2 Reverse or 16 Forward & 4 Reverse gears. 
  • It is available at Rs. 7.50 - 8.10 Lakh*. 

Check out more information about Powertrac Euro 60 Tractor at Tractor Junction. 

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