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The ultimate guide of Jiu Jitsu Gi

Hooks Brand
The ultimate guide of Jiu Jitsu Gi

Jiu-jitsu Gi has caught the public attention and practitioners who practice daily. After attending the countless rolling sessions in it, you will find out the life-changing benefits. 


Jiu-Jitsu Gi has a significant impact on the body than any other kind of sport. It used its opponent strength against itself instead of attacking the component. The ultra-light Gi is a perfect fit for warm weather or traveling. If you are fed up while running on a treadmill or lifting weight, it is a great art to meet your desired goals.


To follow the rule and regulations of any kind of sport, it is necessary to wear a proper uniform outfit that is required wear as per the art’s rule. You are not supposed to play the game without wearing a proper uniform. So, to perform in the ring or the fitness center, it is a must to wear Jiu Jutsu. Also, by changing the casual attire and wear the workout uniform, you feel different and motivated.


Physical activities boost your health. But there are only a handful of sports that can improve and enhance mental health. Brazilian Jiu Jutsu uplift you mentally and your cognitive abilities. Its benefits go beyond anything else. 

 It is natural in its rule, culture, and technique. You burn a ton of calories in your training session because it uses approx every muscle of the body. Also, learning the different techniques and going face to face with different opponents boost you internally and give you a real-life lesson. It is a combat art is an ancient form of fighting. 

Order your Jiu-Jitsu Gi from Hooks Jiujitsu. Our uniforms are featured with an improved fit for grappling. All the panels are sublimated. The designs will never peel or crack. The Velcro enclosures have a top-down flap that prevents discomfort caused by Velcro poking into your stomach area. The material used to design the uniform is preshrunk soft cotton fabric and is durable. It is reinforced in a drawstring trouser with a belt that communicates rank. There are no logos labels in front of the BJJ. You can easily add patches of your school.


Order now! Refer to our sizing chart for appropriate sizing. For any query make a call. Our representatives will help you to resolve all your issues.

Hooks Brand
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