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Learn how to thicken Chili to escape the, ‘Watery’ cooking horror

Learn how to thicken Chili to escape the, ‘Watery’ cooking horror


Cooking will always be the essential skill, one needs to know to get through life. And for those who happen to enjoy cooking as a part of their pleasure and hobby, Cooking has always been a quest to conquer new recipes and forge their originals. Sometimes they fail, while sometimes they create something out of this plane! Creativity, right? But the horror of cooking is when your dish turns out to be on the watery side. Although this doesn’t happen with most of the cuisines and dishes but is a very prevalent mistake while cooking Chilli Con Carne. That’s right. The amazing meat stew with tons of meat and a favourite of Chilli lovers. Watery and thin Chilli con Carne complains of many and a great disappointment to bear. But don’t worry for that complain has been resolved for you. How? Below is some easy method that you can always resort to and learn, ‘How to thicken Chili’.

How to thicken Chilli: some tricks and treats

  1. Use a Potato masher to mash your beans. It’s a rather easy method than to cook it for several minutes. The trick is that when beans are mash they release natural starch inside them which will not only resolve the watery issue of the dish but will also help to break down the meat content of the stew. Easy, right?
  2. Moving on to next tip, you can also use Corn-starch to increase the starch content so that stew doesn’t end on the watery side. However, try to use Cornmeal instead of corn-starch as it gives much better results than the corn starch and doesn’t let the dish end up way to thickening.
  3. You can also try using flour if corn-starch or Cornmeal isn’t available. Although, try to avoid it if possible for Flour is not a favourite ingredient to thicken your Chili as it makes the Meat Stew taste a bit dull and add more carbs!
  4. Another tip on ‘How to thicken Chili’ includes the increase portion of its ingredients. That’s right. Increase the portion of Tomato puree in your Stew and not to mention other vegetables as well. Addition of other ingredients such as Vegetables doesn’t compromise with the stew tastes but rather increases the nutritional value of it.
  5. People who are very busy but are food-sick tend to resort to, ‘Set and forget’ method of cooking which comprises of a Slow Cooker. But as they say, the shortcut is never the solution of anything! So, instead of cooking it for several hours if it turns watery, here’s a trick on how to thicken Chili in a Slow Cooker. Stick a Chopstick or a spoon in the lid of the Slow Cooker to prop a gap for the steam to escape. Escape of steam will allow your Chili to thicken and will bring a Velvety texture as well. Although the time frame will increase by doing so, at least, your Meat Stew will turn out great and Velvety!
  6. Last but not the least tip of, ‘How to thicken Chili’ manual, add bread crumbles and Cheddar cheese on individual serving. Bread Crumbles will soak up any extra liquid from the stew while Cheese will add a bit of smooth texture to the Stew thereby cancelling the crumb effects in the Stew. A win-win method, don’t you think so?


Well, that was all about How to thicken Chilli, in case it ends in the watery side. But try to cook it till the end without resorting to any of these How to thicken Chilli methods. Why? Because Chilli also tends to thickens once it’s cooldown and who knows maybe that’s the deciding factor of your Chilli? And if it does end up in the watery side, then you can try any of the tips listed above to thicken it as per your ideal density. However, don’t try to rack your brains with evaporation phenomena, just because if you let it simmer, the unwanted excess liquid will evaporate to achieve your ideal consistency of the Stew. Because if you do so, then the dish will turn bland and will taste horrible. All your efforts will be for nought. Therefore, remember to not simmer the stew too much as to make it bland, the Chilli mustn’t simmer additionally more than 60 minutes. And if the stew still isn’t thickened enough, try the last method of the tip, the cheese and crumbs to counter the watery effect of the stew!

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