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How to Make a Slack Clone: Features, Tech Stack, Cost

Mitya Smusin
How to Make a Slack Clone: Features, Tech Stack, Cost

Internal communication makes a huge part of a stable workload. Project teams, management, departments, staff: everyone in the company needs to stay updated about what is going on in their workplace. This issue has become extremely important during the past year, when most of us worked remotely. Because the market is expanding, the question “How to build a Slack clone” arises more and more often.

Why Slack? Well, because Slack is one of the most famous and widely-used tools for supporting internal communication. This messenger acquired 8 million active users and achieved a $1 billion mark in a blink of an eye. That looks like a miracle success story and no wonder some people want to repeat it.

Such an achievement may be one of a lifetime, but the market of business chat apps is not limited to Slack only. Here is our guide on how to make a Slack clone and gain the audience’s spotlight.

What is a Slack messaging app?

It may come as a surprise, but Slack is actually an acronym. The full name of the app is Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge. Slack has become one of the most popular communications apps for business usage.

Another fun fact: Initially, this startup was an internal communication tool for video developers at Tiny Speck. The experience in game development became their competitive advantage: Creators of Slack made the app user-friendly and entertaining.

Besides one-to-one messaging, Slack offers its users the ability to create channels dedicated to certain topics, make group chats (that are not channels), conduct audio and video calls, create customized emojis, and share files.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the success story of this app.

It all started with the Glitch. Tiny Speck, the company that developed Slack, was a gaming startup with a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (or MMORPG) named Glitch. The game was released on September 27, 2011. Even though the company already managed to raise almost $16 million, the game was shot down because of the lack of audience.

After the failure in the gaming market, the team decided to give a shot at a communication app that they were using internally. This idea became the company’s ticket to success. Since the release time, the app’s audience and capitalization have grown exponentially.

Today, for the eight years of steady development, research, and updating, Slack has turned into a messaging teamwork platform that has expanded way beyond simple text messages. 600,000 teams already tested all the functionality of Slack and successfully integrated it into their workflow. Also, the app has 3 million premium users meaning people trust this company though to invest money in them. 

Is it worth investing in Slack clone app development?

The short answer is yes. If we dive deep into the question, several pieces of statistical data prove that point.

These numbers show that a Slack-like app idea has a lot of potentials to reach the target audience and stay afloat in the market.


The article was originally published at https://yellow.systems/blog/how-to-make-a-slack-clone 

Mitya Smusin
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