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Best Children care Hospital in Madurai

Devadoss Hospital
Best Children care Hospital in Madurai

Devadoss multispeciality hospital is the best Pediatrics Hospital in MaduraiOur Pediatricians specialist manages the health of your child, including physical & mental health issues. They're well trained to diagnose & treat child illness, minor health problems, and serious diseases. We also have a subspecialty in Neonatology care of newborn infants, especially the ill or premature newborn. And we are the best Neonatology Hospital in Maduraito give thehigh-level treatment using the Neonatal intensive care units NICU special medical care due to prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction birth defects, sepsis, & birth asphyxia. We find these problems in the child at an earlier stage and give the best treatment to improve immunity and cure child defects.. - https://www.devadosshospitals.com/specialities/pediatrics-neonatology/

Devadoss Hospital
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