Thanks for coming to my site. In this article, I will tell you about the best travel apps in India, from translation and navigation to currency converter, booking hotels, flights, buses, trains and taxis, on the way. through car and bicycle rental apps.
If you don't want to get lost in the hustle and bustle of India, you will need some apps on your phone to book hotels, flights, buses, trains and taxis.
Communication is another big problem in India when you are a foreigner even if you are Indian. Some states of India have their own languages like Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and many others, so you need translation apps that can help you communicate with people who don't understand Hindi and English.
The address is another major problem in India as some cities in India that have street signs are written in their own language. So you need navigation apps to solve this problem.
Instead of wasting time, dive right into the topic and see what apps those are?
Click here to see the best travel apps of India