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How to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit | Metene Thermometer Instructions

How to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit | Metene Thermometer Instructions

Are you looking for Metene Thermometer Instructions - Celsius to Fahrenheit Switch ?


1. Press the button “Ear” and hold for 8 to 12 seconds till the screen changes from —℃ to —F.
2. Press the Ear buttons once again.
3. After a few seconds, the thermometer will turn off.
4. The Metene Thermometer is now in Fahrenheit temperature measurement mode.



About Metene Thermometer


Metene Thermometer Infrared Digital Suitable For Baby, Infant, Toddler and Adults

If you have a baby, you would know the importance of having a good thermometer. Because of this, Metene Thermometer is equipped with advanced medical infrared technology for temperature measurement accuracy and reliability.



How to get accurate reading temperature with the Medical Forehead and Ear Thermometer ?

  1. Please ensure the measurement position is correct. As an example in measuring forehead temperature, please place the probe at the centre of your forehead or temple. Do not place the thermometer probe anywhere else to avoid false readings.

  2. Do make sure the thermometer probe (with cover) is in good contact with the forehead. Once you have established good contact, you can press the “Head” button to take an instant body temperature reading. As for measuring ear temperature, please ensure the probe is properly inserted into ear. These are recommended practices to obtain accurate reading each time.


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