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Where do termites come from?


Knowing where termites are coming from is crucial in keeping them out of your space. You might think that termites come from rotten wood. But that's just what they eat! The most common type of termite comes from the soil. This is where they live, build huge colonies and serve as their termite queen!

If you've ever found termites in your home or business, chances are you weren't wondering where they came from… you just wanted them to go away! Which is understandable, but in order to eliminate and prevent them it is important that you know where, why and how.

What is the natural habitat of termites?

There are three common varieties of termites: wet wood, dry wood, and underground. Each of them has their own preferred habitat and their own point of origin.

1.Drywood Termites originate from drywood habitats. Forests, suburban landscaping, and carpentry shops are some of their favorites. If they are with you, it is because they have found unlimited access to furniture and firewood (their favorite food). In nature, they settle among tall, old trees.

2. Wet wood termites. You guessed it! These termites prefer moisture-rich environments, unlike drywood termites. Wet termites love wood and trees that have decayed due to humidity. They are attracted to homes with leaks and high humidity.

3. Subterranean termites also require access to environments rich in moisture. They originate from and seek out the same environments as damp wood termites. The main difference is that they are also known to build mud tunnels as a means of accessing food sources.

What attracts termites?

Termites are parasites and like most parasites, they are attracted to three main things: food, shelter, and water. Anywhere that termites can find easy and unhindered access to these things, this is a place that attracts them.

1. Food. Termites consume wood and cellulose. Their presence will always be the number one draw for termites. Lumber, paper, firewood, and framing all look delicious on termites.

2. Shelter. A termite's favorite home is a warm, dark, and humid place. In most homes, the likely locations are attics, crawl spaces, and garages.

3.Water. When it comes to humidity, termites usually fill with moist soil. If you have downspouts or gutters that aren't draining properly, your yard could turn into termite territory.

How can I prevent termites from being attracted to my house?

Of course, termites are problematic… but they can be stopped. Here are some proactive steps you can take to better protect your home from termites:

1. Plan annual termite inspections. The low price of an expert consultation will help you save immense repair costs.

2. Keep an eye out for potential hidden leaks. Leaks in your home could create attractive wetlands for termites.

3. Keep wood piles away from the foundation of your house. Termites need wood to live. Do not entice them into your house with lumber near the foundation.

Termite infestations can be scary… however, they are easy to control. All you need is knowledge and a supportive pest control partner. The next time you need help removing termites or any other type of pest, contact Pest Control Hyderabad at 9849174222 or visit https://www.pestcontrolhyderabad.com/

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