Take reference from the linked article if you want to fix QuickBooks has been lost error using quick fixes. If the problem continues after troubleshooting, get in touch with the certified QuickBooks expert’s team by calling us on our toll-free number 1-800-579-9430.

The error code “QuickBooks connection has been lost” often occurs during opening company files in QuickBooks commonly due to impaired data in company files.
Follow more about the error in the blog on the link mentioned here.
If you have a relevant query, call the helpdesk 1-(855)-856-0042 for help.

QuickBooks connection has been lost error appears when the application loses connection with the company file while working on it.
The application window will shut down, and the recently added data that has not been saved is lost.
The issue may occur if the company file is corrupt or the firewall is interfering with the network connection.
The issue can be resolved by restarting the QuickBooks database Server Manager in a multi-user network.
If you have come across the error and you need help from a QuickBooks expert, then contact us at our (844)-932-1139.