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How Destratification Fans Work to Save Energy Costs

How Destratification Fans Work to Save Energy Costs

High energy costs associated with operating a large warehouse, big box retailer, manufacturing plant, and more can make a big impact on your bottom line. Too many years of inefficient operations can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in wasted energy, without you even noticing. Thankfully, destratification fans offer energy savings that are significant enough for noticeably lower energy costs on your monthly bill. Here is how it all works.


Hot Air Rises and Gets Trapped at the Ceiling


As most of us learned early-on, heat rises. In the case of hot air, large open retail and industrial spaces will gather much of the heat at the ceiling, and make it harder to cool a space evenly and efficiently. That is where destratification fans do their best work. Installed at the ceiling, these fans actively work to gather all the hot air that is trapped at the ceiling, and actively redistribute it towards the floor. Using a small electric motor, these fans use minimal energy when compared to an inefficient HVAC system, and improve air flow and distribution immensely.


Greater Air Flow = Greater Control of Ambient Temperature


By actively redistributing air and ventilating a space, destratification fans help aid in maintaining a continuous air temp, without overworking your HVAC system. If you have warm air that is trapped at the ceiling, your existing HVAC system will have to be run at a higher speed, for a longer rate—just to counteract the hot air that negatively impacts the air temperature. By continuously mixing the air, you can bring down the air temperature without overworking your HVAC system.

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