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How University of Perpetual Help System Dalta Take That Extra Step

MBBS Admission abroad
How University of Perpetual Help System Dalta Take That Extra Step

It’s common knowledge that the University of Perpetual Help System Dalta doesn’t compromise on the quality of education provided and neither on the quality of life provided to the students. However, there isn’t much information on the steps taken by this university to truly ensure the well-being of the students.

Thus, this post tries to highlight exactly these aspects as these are paramount in making this one of the best MCI-approved medical colleges in Philippines. The focus will primarily be on the Student Councils in this university that come under the Student Personnel Services.

Supreme Student Council

The primary organization that takes care of the students’ welfare, especially empowerment. By being a platform to raise their voices and share their concerns, it also tries to make the students sort of self-reliant.


Basically, the SSC of the University of Perpetual Help System Dalta aims to ensure students’ excellence in education, sports, and leadership, while upholding the rights and responsibilities of the students. 

Directory of Other Student Groups

Talking of the Student Personnel Services, there are several other student groups in the University of Perpetual Help System Dalta. There are a number of Councils under the SPS, each of which deal with a particular discipline. For students seeking to pursue MBBS in Philippines, the following groups are the ones they must know of: -

  1. Dentistry Student Council
  2. Medical Technology Student Council
  3. Nursing Student Council
  4. Pharmacy Student Council
  5. Physical and Occupational Therapy Student Council
  6. Radiologic Technology Student Council
  7. Respiratory Therapy Student Council

The main purpose of all these councils is to rally all the students in order to build a culture in which participation in civic and social affairs is encouraged. Not just in terms of rights and responsibilities, these councils also provide all the necessary study and reading material that are important for the discipline concerned.

All in all, the University of Perpetual Help System Dalta takes every possible step to ensure that students don’t just get basic educational facilities but also get an encouraging and enriching environment that would lead to the all-around development of them. Perhaps this is what makes this university one of the most prestigious and renowned MCI-approved medical colleges in Philippines.

MBBS Admission abroad
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