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What are some real ways to earn free steam gift cards?

johny grill
What are some real ways to earn free steam gift cards?

If you are looking for real ways to earn steam gift cards for free then this post is for you. The post briefs you 8 realistic ways to earn steam gift cards. Also, you can join all the options for free of cost and you can start earning immediately. These 8 realistic ways are as follow:

  1. CashKarma:

It is an app, which you can download for free of cost and you can earn by taking their paid service by doing other small micro-tasks online. But you can only earn if you take their paid service. It also provides you with some other small tasks and some extra bonus opportunities. In order to get a steam gift card, you will need to earn at least $20. For other rewards, the payout threshold is as low as $5.

You only need to be aware that even though you can join cash Karma, it really does not matter in which country you live. Steam gift card is available in all countries but if it is not available in your country then you can get through PayPal or choose between lots of other gift cards instead.

  1. Rewards1:

It is a paid-to-site that at first takes a little bit of getting used to. It is not the most user friendly site but it gives you few different ways to make some money. You can earn some points by taking some surveys, watching videos, and taking the paid options,s, etc.

You can also join reward one from all countries and get a steam gift card once you have earned $20. You can also get other rewards when you have earned $5. For instance, you can get them through cash or PayPal and you can also choose between lots of other gift cards.

It is not considered the best of the best to get paid to the site because it is not very user friendly. Therefore, if you really want to prioritize your time then you should probably go for the other option discussed below.

  1. EarnAbly:

This is a platform where you can earn by doing different tasks such as watching videos, taking paid surveys and by inviting your friends, and more. You can easily join EarnAbly from around forty different countries. Then you can get a steam gift card once you earn $20.

You only need to be aware that steam gift cards are not a reward option in all the countries but it also offers PayPal and other gift cards. You can get paid via PayPal when you already have earned $1. So it has a very low payout threshold.

  1. AppKarma:

It is an app where you download other apps through the app and then you get paid to play the games that you actually download. It also offers few other bonus opportunities as ways to earn. You can use and join AppKarma from all countries. But as with most of the other platforms, steam is not a reward option in all countries. It also offers a lot of other great reward options as well.

  1. RewardXP:

It is a paid site that gives you a lot of paid surveys and paid offers. You can earn by watching videos and more.  You can get a steam gift card out as a reward already when you earn $10 which will not take a long time for you.  You can also choose to get paid. For instance, in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or PayPal cash or you can choose between other gift cards as well. It is very user friendly and a great paid-to-site and one of the newer ones. It is really worth that join it and you can join RewardXP from more or less all countries.

  1. Swagbucks:

It is one of the biggest get-paid sites in the world and you can earn in many different ways such as searching online, taking paid surveys, watching videos, shopping online, taking paid offers, inviting friends, and a lot more.

You can join Swagbucks from more or less all countries. You only need to be aware that the number of earning opportunities here will verify from county to country and so will the payout methods. Overall, the best earning opportunities on Swagbucks are if you live in the US, Uk, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, or Spain.

You can also join an iron from other countries. But you need to be aware that it does not offer steam gift cards as a reward in all countries. In most countries, you need to earn $50 to be able to get a steam gift card. For other rewards, the payout threshold is as low as a couple of dollars in some countries. You can get paid in cash also via PayPal or choose between a lot of other different gift cards.

If you want to make some extra money online for free then you should check out the Swagbuck platforms.


  1. 7.  PrizeRebel:

It is really great and user-friendly to get paid to the site. It offers different ways to earn. For example, you can earn by taking paid surveys, taking paid offers, watching videos and it has a great membership level. So, the more active you are, the more benefits you will get.

You can join PrizeRebel from more or less all countries. Once you earned only $5, you can get paid via steam gift cards as one of the reward options. It does not offer that option in all countries but overall it offers really great payout options in all countries. You can also choose to get paid in cash, via PayPal already when you earn $5 or choose between a lot of other gift cards.


This is one of the newer get-paid sites but is expanding and developing all the time. It is very user-friendly and it gives quite good rewards for the different tasks you can do. For example, you can take paid services and taking paid offers and has a daily Leaderboard content where you can win a lot of cash and you can claim free points every day. If you join through an invitation link, you will get a hundred points for free into your account right away.

You can join FreeCash from more or less all countries and you can also go to the shop and see the different payout methods. It offers a lot of different payout methods that are all great. One of the payout options there is a steam gift card and you can get one already when you have earned $6.  You need to be aware that you can only get a steam gift card if you live in the EU or in the US. But if you do not live in one of these countries, it offers a lot of other great payout methods instead.  For example, the cryptocurrencies, you only need to earn 10 cents to actually get paid. It is really a great platform to join if you want to make some extra money on the site for free.

Take Away:

These are really some great options to earn free steam gift cards. If you find the post useful then do not forget to comment below. Thanks a lot for reading the entire post.

johny grill
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