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What is the reason for the durability of button batteries


Why are button batteries so long-lasting? The reason is straightforward. The problem isn't that the button battery has too much power; it's that the electrical appliances that use it have too little.
The memory function of watches and electrical equipment is the most prevalent application for button batteries. Camera and video camera time and date circuits, for example, do not consume electricity from the main power source and instead rely on button batteries to provide power. There are two explanations for this. One is to avoid time recording from being interrupted if the main power supply is exhausted or shut off, and the other is that the memory consumes little power and may be powered only by a tiny battery.

The camera's time circuit uses less than two microamps of electricity, which is less than a tenth of the current used by a low-power LED lamp bead. Some batteries with and without such a tiny current have nearly the same life duration.

Electronic watches are another application. The current of the electronic watch is substantially higher than hundreds of microamperes due to the mechanical motion. However, the electronic watch is a pulse-type intermittent power consumer, with a big current only while the second hand is beating and essentially no current for the rest of the time.

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