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Is Hair Transplant Safe And Permanent?

DHI India
Is Hair Transplant Safe And Permanent?

One of the most common questions people ask is hair transplant safe and permanent or is it a right choice in case of extreme hair loss or baldness. Well, yes hair transplant in Kolkata is highly safe and effective and it is permanent if done on a healthy scalp. At DHI, the treatment of hair transplant combines Direct Hair Implantation, plasma therapy, advice with hair loss products, to guarantee a lifetime of natural results with total hair care.

Since 1970, Direct Hair Implantation (DHI India) has been treating hair loss in major metro cities of India. With our modern techniques, hair treatment is painless, very safe, provides maximum density and 100% natural results and that makes DHI the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. Our team of physicians is trained and certified by the DHI Hair Restoration Academy of London, the only Academy in the world in hair restoration.

DHI India
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