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Some Methods Of Earning Money From TikTok

Some Methods Of Earning Money From TikTok

TikTok is a popular social networking platform in recent years. TikTok is not only a means of entertainment for people but it is also a medium that many people use to make money.

So how can you make money from TikTok? Take a look at some of the methods below.

Earn money from TikTok

1. Get sponsorship from businesses

With this form, in the video that you upload to TikTok, there will be a part to promote the brand of the sponsoring business. However, in order for you to receive sponsorship from businesses, your account must have a lot of followers, your videos have a lot of views, and great likes. 

At the same time, your audience must be similar to your target audience for the business to consider working with you.

The higher the value of your account in the eyes of businesses, the easier it is to get offers to cooperate, as well as the amount of funding will be equally large.

Additionally, these businesses also regularly evaluate the quality and relevance of your TikTok video content to their brand image.

So from now on, make your TikTok videos as interesting as possible with a theme throughout.

To find ideas or materials to create TikTok video content, you can watch other celebrities’ TikTok videos. Watching this video can help you gain more experience in ideas, effects, background music, etc.

If you come across a video that impresses you, you have not yet clearly analyzed the factors that make up the video’s popularity, please download TikTok video to your phone for your convenience to analyze and study later. You can use the TikTok downloader like TikMate, DownTik website to download videos. These are the websites that support downloading TikTok videos without watermarks for free.

2. Get Donations

While live-streaming, you can also receive donations from the live streams you perform on your TikTok account.

The way it works is that when you go live, viewers will give you gifts, coins, or diamonds that you can exchange for real money.

However, to be able to Livestream, you also need to meet some conditions of TikTok such as you must have over 1000 followers and for you to receive gifts from viewers, you need to be over 18 years old.

3. TikTok account management service

If you are good at account management and development, you can open a TikTok account management service for other users.

Usually, your customers will be celebrities, artists, or companies that need to hire a person to manage TikTok accounts.

4. Sell TikTok Account

Another way to make money from TikTok is to sell the TikTok account.

First, you create a TikTok account and then grow that account so that there are many followers, likes, views. When you reach a certain point, you will sell that account to people who are looking to buy an account with a large following. The more followers your account has, the higher the price your account will sell for.

5. Selling on TikTok

The final way to make money from TikTok is to sell items through your TikTok account.

TikTok even offers special features for TikTok Marketers, that is TikTok Ads.

With TikTok Ads, you can create ads that millions of TikTok users can see.


Those are 5 ways to make money from TikTok. If you are passionate about making money, choose the right monetization method for you right away.

Hope the above article gives you an overview of the jobs that can make money on TikTok.

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