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Features of Cazoo Business Model

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Features of Cazoo Business Model

Cazoo, the UK’s leading online car retailer, is based in London, England. It was founded in 2018 by Alex Chesterman, a serial entrepreneur. It has a highly experienced management team and is supported by some of the leading global technology investors. The company is one of Europe’s fastest-growing digital businesses, growing 300%+ each year, with expected 2021 revenues approaching $1 billion. Cazoo is on a mission to transform the car buying experience for customers across Europe by offering vast options, better quality, transparency, convenience, and peace of mind. Its services make buying a car as simple as any other online purchase today. Here, consumers can simply purchase, finance, or subscribe to a car completely online with delivery or collection in just the next 72 hours. 

A larger number of people today are opting to use their own cars instead of taking public transportation in the UK as a way of ensuring COVID 19 protocols. Taking the advantage of this requirement, one of the startups in the UK has built a more efficient way of selling and buying cars online in an easy way. This startup is named Cazoo and is backed by huge funding.

Cazoo has a world-class team of over 2000 people across the UK, Germany, France, and Portugal which is led by Founder and CEO, Alex Chesterman. The Cazoo team is passionate about delivering a great customer experience. The company offers a web and app platform to allow people to browse and buy used cars. Also, people can easily sell out their own cars on this platform. The company sells used cars online and delivers the order to the buyer’s door with a seven-day money-back guarantee.

Features of Cazoo Business Model

  1. Cars at a great value: Cazoo platform offers a wide range of high-quality used and new cars.
  2. The entire buying process is online: People can buy new/ used cars entirely online from the comfort of their homes.
  3. Efficient and easy Delivery/ Collection: Cazoo provides home delivery or collection in as little as 72 hours, any day of the week.

How To Launch Business Similar To Cazoo?

If you are willing to launch an online car retailer platform similar to Cazoo, Ncrypted Technologies has the right solutions developed by our capable and innovative workforce. We offer customized and innovative features as per your requirement to let you launch a successful online car retailer platform.

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