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Destination Management Company

Destination Management Company

Destination Management Company

A DMC (Destination Management Company) provides the following logistic services in their destination; Meet and Greet, Transfers / Transportation, Hotel Accommodation, Restaurants, Activities, Excursions, Conference Venues, Themed Events, and Gala Dinners. Naturally, DMCs help with overcoming any language barriers.

Our DMS provides a full set of tourism management, promotion, and fulfillment tools with the product, business, and visitor databases as its foundation. This empowers you to be able to promote your destination through any number of various platforms including; web, digital, call-centers, kiosks, and smart devices. Providing your visitor with detailed, real-time data at various locations.

Automated Sales And Increase Profit In Your DMC

Groupy delivers destination management company software that involves an extensive set of easily custom-made business rules that adapt to the way you run your business. It is a DMC software that gives centralized management, simplified processes, and improved operational productivity.

Groupy assists Destination Management Companies to manage inventory along with group travel, customers, and travel agents, while completely automating the sales process, increasing services ordering, managing accounts, and providing complete insights into your travel business.

Features of Destination Management Software:
  • Auto generation of XO's (Vouchers) / Itinerary / Response form / Invoices / Credit notes with mailing options
  • Multi-language / multi-currency options.
  • Online Transaction Process is simple and convenient.
  • Branch Consolidation, Contracting, Management Reporting and Payment process is centralized
  • High transformation volume can be served.
  • Centralized control at all levels.
  • Instant MIS reporting.
  • Multiple locations.

All In One Travel Platform

Groupy provides a one-stop solution - DMC Software which is ultimately online with your destination management service from Hotel, Tour, Transfer, Activity to Car Rental. It assists to control complete business operations which helps DMC to expand their business. It comes with progressive features including easy & secure integration, XML API integration, Third-party GDS Integration, multi-language and multi-currency, ticketing barcode scan, automate booking, easy error correction, multiple payment gateway integrations.

Solution For Destination Management Company DMC

Groupy helps you manage inventory as well as group travel, customers, and travel agents, while fully automating the sales process, improving services ordering, managing accounts, and providing comprehensive insights into your travel business. Services we offer for DMO’s involve micro sites to grow their online presence, white label with dedicated booking engines, back-office system, DMO website or portal development, DMO website redesign, and maintenance.

Automated sales and increase profit in Your DMC

A DMC can manage its B2B travel business using Groupy by providing a suite of tailored features to its connected tour operators, travel agencies, and other clients. Based on the latest technology, we assist you with its analysis, design & development of data to distribution networks and ongoing support.

Our DMC software solution is designed to be powerful and secure. You will have the ability to specify various security roles and control access to sensitive information. We have developed our system in compact cooperation with the travel industry to develop the core needs and technology a DMC needs to function efficiently.

For more details,pls visit our website: https://www.groupy.travel/destination-management.php

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