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Stump bonsai pruning

doris zhang
Stump bonsai pruning

The pruning of stump bonsai in the whole creative process can be divided into scientific pruning, technical pruning and artistic pruning. When the work is completed and finalized, a long-term pruning, i.e. controlled  garden pruning, should be carried out.

1.Scientific pruning

Under the guidance of plant physiology, to master the growth laws and characteristics of various plants, and cut them according to different tree species, growth strength and seasonal changes, so as to avoid the adverse consequences of blockage, growth imbalance and suffocation and withering caused by blind pruning of plants. Too many levels, too dense branches and leaves, or too large upper branches will cause poor ventilation, insufficient light, dead branches, diseases and pests. The pruning of plants must conform to the growth characteristics of the pile landscape. The crown shape should adopt the gradual change of closing tip, the top should be natural, and the modeling technique of large roof is not allowed. The purpose of scientific pruning is to apply the knowledge of plant physiology to correctly guide plant growth and give full play to their growth advantages, so as to better control, utilize and transform them.

2.Technical pruning

Technical pruning serves for composition, which requires the appearance of pile landscape to produce an intuitive image effect; It is also a means to highlight the artistic charm of bonsai. To a great extent, it is not only a technique in line with the artistic conception and artistic expression of pile landscape, but also an external technique serving the content. If the technical pruning is skillful and accurate, it will restrict the far-reaching artistic conception and can not better express the theme. As we all know, a pot of valuable pile scenery is inseparable from the role of technical pruning skills. We have many bonsai genres and different styles, and each has its own advantages in pile landscape technology and pruning techniques.

3.Art pruning

Artistic pruning is to endow the stake scene with life and soul, so as to achieve the situation that the scene is exhausted and the yuan is poor. It pursues the far-reaching artistic conception of the stake scene. Because the branch is the main object of expressing the charm and far-reaching artistic conception of the stake scene, its pruning technique pays more attention to the overall structure of the stake scene. Its rigorous structure is reflected in the artistic modeling techniques such as the density, gathering and scattering, hiding and dew, bending and looking. The charm of branches should be vigorous, elegant and dynamic to enrich the image characteristics. So as to produce artistic conception and make the works achieve the artistic effect of both form and spirit and blending feelings and scenes.

To some extent, art pruning has great randomness. It can be "cut at will without exceeding the moment" without being bound by any form, but it cannot change without its religion. In short, the ultimate goal of bonsai, like other works of art, is to let the audience get ideological inspiration, emotional edification and beauty enjoyment in the perceptual specific artistic image, which is also the basic characteristics of all real good works of art.

4.Control pruning

Controlling pruning is the maintenance and re creation of the formed pile landscape, which is a very important, long-term and complicated work. It is composed of wiping buds, picking hearts, thinning branches and cutting branches.

(1) Wipe bud: wipe out those uncertain buds that have no future and let Zhuangjing grow healthily. In fact, this also belongs to the scope of scientific pruning.

(2) Pick the heart: it can not only inhibit the rapid growth of branches, but also protect the original beauty of stake scenery within a certain time. It is a good measure to inhibit deformation.

(3) Thinning branches: it is a measure taken against the phenomenon of yellow leaves and diseases and pests caused by the long-term growth of pile landscape, resulting in the increase of main branches and excessive density, resulting in airtight and poor lighting conditions, which hinders the viewing. This also belongs to the scope of scientific pruning.

(4) Pruning: after long-term growth, the shaped pile landscape can no longer maintain the original landscape of tree posture due to the thickness and length of branches, so it can be controlled by cutting, thinning and other pruning measures. This is also a re creation process. The specific implementation can shorten each group of branches to a certain proportion (the standard of this proportion is that the new branches are easy to grow to the thickness of the cut branches), without causing disconnection. Cutting can not only make the plant get physiological balance, but also make some unsatisfactory branches reconstructed, so as to produce better ornamental effect. It should be noted that some tree species have strong germination ability, while others have weak germination ability; And those that blossom and bear fruit should be cut targeted. Avoid unnecessary losses to painstaking works.

doris zhang
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