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Supply chain crisis is here to stay till Q4 2022: Accenture

Logistics Update Africa News
Supply chain crisis is here to stay till Q4 2022: Accenture

Low safety stock globally is fueling demand beyond Christmas, and full relaxation is not like before Q42022, consultancy firm Accenture said in its latest report.

"Only moderate and long-term effects of short-term actions (e.g. U.S. government on port congestion, carriers ordering additional vessels) are likely," the report, Accenture Logistics Radar, said.

Accenture's suggestions include:

1. Identify short-term alternative transport modes (e.g. Coca-Cola using bulk transportation; rail freight from APAC)

2. Multi-echelon supply chain analysis and improvement to deliberately use existing inventory to increase supply chain output (reduce safety stocks)


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