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Mahindra Mini Truck Models Loaded With Quality Features

ayushi gupta
Mahindra Mini Truck Models Loaded With Quality Features

The Mahindra mini truck models are one of the popular trucks which are more suitable for city transportation. These truck models come with various advanced features that can do various transportation jobs easily. The engine of these truck models is manufactured with advanced technological solutions that provide excellent working efficiency along with increased fuel mileage. In addition, the Mahindra Mini Truck price range is also valuable according to the customer’s requirements.

Furthermore, the Mahindra company manufactures various Trucks, Tippers, Pickups, Mini trucks at a valuable Mahindra truck price. But we are here with some of them which are


Mahindra Jeeto Mini Truck

This truck has Single cylinder DI Water Cooled engine and BS-VI of engine norm that provides effective work. It has 16 HP engine power and 670 CC engine capacity that deliver quality work with high performance. The engine of this mini truck generates 38 Nm of torque which is more suitable for many jobs. The fuel tank potential of this vehicle is 10.5 Litres that deliver large working hours in the operations. The Mahindra Jeeto Mini Truck price range is between Rs. 3.85 Lakhs* - Rs. 4.4 Lakhs*.


Mahindra Supro Minitruck 

In this model, you can get 26 power with the 2 cylinders and Four Stroke DI, TCIC engine that generates 58 NM of torque. It has Disc/Drum brakes and Parking brakes, and Manual Steering that provides effective grip and fast response. The payload capacity of this mini truck is 900 KG that can easily carry huge loads. It comes with 155 R13,8PR front tyres and 155 R13,8PR tyres. The Mahindra Supro Minitruck price range is between Rs. 5.24 Lakhs* - Rs.5.51 Lakhs*.

We believe this information is beneficial for you. Furthermore, if you need more information about trucks, tippers, transit mixers, features, images reviews and many more, please visit Truck Junction. 

ayushi gupta
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