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Restricted Keys - Why They Are So Important

CG Locks
Restricted Keys - Why They Are So Important

Have you ever had a key that said "Do Not Duplicate" on it? I'll explain why this creates a false sense of security and leaves you open to security risks.


In this day and age people are more concerned than ever about their security. There are precedents being put in place where insurance companies are denying claims based on a businesses or homes not having control of their keys. An example of this would be a small business that decided to save a little cost and get a lower end key and handle for their doors. With a low end set you can get the key duplicated almost anywhere so if the adjuster found sufficient evidence that you were negligent in how you secured your building you may find yourself out in the cold.

highrise restricted key system

Any key that is not a restricted blank has the potential to duplicate if put in the wrong hands or on a less sinister level if keys are being lost and new ones are simply cut without doing a rekey on your doors. Cutting new keys instead of a rekey is a very common practice as it is very convenient. The problem with this is that the old keys that were lost can be found and come back to bite you later. Imagine you were a school and a master key went missing. You cut a new master and neglect to rekey the doors which is usually the case due to cost, time, and most importantly embarrassment. No one wants to admit that they lost their key. especially a master. Now a student may find that key say out on the field and you immediately have a problem because that individual now has access to most rooms in the facility. We can all see why this could be a problem.


Securing your home or business with an electronic system or a key system with restricted keys alleviates this problem for you. A restricted key is a key that the manufacturer holds a patent on and restricts the amount of blanks in circulation. Generally if you deal with a locksmith they can only release keys by law to the person in charge of your security. An example of a manufacturer like this would be Medico by Assa Abloy or Primus by Schlage, amongst many others. These keys are unique in the way that they look and function with in the lock so a do it yourself locksmith can't cut or make you new keys. It is a piece of mind to know that one key will never turn into two or three.


With an electronic system you have even more control. You can delete or change a persons access permissions with the click of a button. If a key is lost you simply delete is and issue a new key. Systems like these force people to be accountable not only in protecting their keys but also makes them think twice before letting someone else us it.


It is common for people to buy regular keys and get them stamped with "Do Not Duplicate". This truly is a false sense of security as I myself have had these keys cut for roommates at a local convenience store down the street from my apartment. Usually the person cutting the key at a corner store isn't being paid all that well and really doesn't care.


It's just a thought but I find in this industry most of my clients are reactionary and don't think about their doors and keys until there is a problem and usually by that point it's too late. If you gain anything from this post please remember that when you are in the market for locks it will save you money and stress in the long run to get a quality product that will help keep you, your family and/or employees a little bit safer. Visit https://cglocks.com/



CG Locks
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