While our country can be called a “cloud country” solely in terms of its climate. In the development of cloud computing, our country has not yet succeeded. Nevertheless, to attribute the cloud to the number of unpromising directions for our country would be premature and erroneous. Just the opposite: that “cloud computing” may be popular as anywhere in the world, and there are several prerequisites.
Factor of geographical distribution, logically, should be the main catalyst for the transition to “cloud services“. It is in terms of territorial fragmentation minimize the costs of providing IT services is becoming increasingly important. Construction of large data centers and the creation of “cloud services” on their basis will lead to an increase in supply in the market that will make cloud computing more accessible and economically beneficial for both business and private users.
Now efforts have been made to improve the accessibility of state institutions and their services for citizens. Instruments of such integration processes should serve as information portals that are created on the principle of “single windows“. They can become a single access point for information exchange between public authorities and consumers of their services. For the functioning of such information systems in a distributed environment, you need to create a distributed and adaptive execution environment, the role which can take on a cloud for a vertically integrated structures (government, health care, e-governance services, tax and customs services, etc.).