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How do you Identify a Prepositional Phrase?

emam hossain
How do you Identify a Prepositional Phrase?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that doesn’t contain a verb or a subject. It functions as a unified part of speech. A prepositional phrase normally has a simple preposition and a noun or a simple preposition and a pronoun.

Think of prepositional phrases as making a hamburger. You must have meat (or a protein) and bread. A simple preposition and the object of the preposition are the basics of a prepositions of place phrase.

You can jazz up your hamburger by adding cheese, grilled onions, mustard, tomatoes, etc. The same can be done for prepositional phrases. Add adverbs and adjectives to make your sentence more enjoyable to read.

Prepositional Phrase Examples

Prepositional phrases contain a preposition followed by an article followed by a noun.

The hamburger with cheese is yours.

Let’s spice up this sentence.

The hamburger with ooey-gooey cheese is yours.

I danced on the stage.

Next, we add more details.

I danced on the concert stage.

The puppy ran through the grass.

Adjectives make the sentence more enticing to read.

The puppy ran through the lush green grass.

Of the types of prepositions, I think simple prepositions are the easiest.

Adding a number adjective makes the sentence for informative.

Of the five types of prepositions, I think simple prepositions are the easiest.

emam hossain
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