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Reasons Every Iowa Household Should Have a Class K Fire Extinguisher this Holiday Season

Reasons Every Iowa Household Should Have a Class K Fire Extinguisher this Holiday Season

For many of us, a home cooked meal is one of our most treasured traditions. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, your kitchen becomes an empty canvas for your to paint your masterpiece. Approaching the Thanksgiving and holiday season, now is the time we roll up our sleeves, and create impressive dishes for friends and family to enjoy. Without ruining your holiday cheer, it is important to remember fire safety in the kitchen. When is the last time you checked your household fire extinguisher? Do you even have one? This holiday season, remember these key reasons every household should invest in a Class K fire extinguisher in Iowa, for the safety of the cooks and guests alike.

Near-Majority of Household Fires Start in the Kitchen

Think of how many spaces there are in the home. For one space (the kitchen) to account for starting 49% of all household fires is astounding. Unfortunately, with many cooks working with oils, fats, greases, and open flames, there is always the potential risk. For the very fact that half of all fires will start in your kitchen, having a specialized Class K fire extinguisher designed for kitchen fires makes sense.

Many Standard Water-Based Extinguishers Are Hazardous for Food Fires

Maybe you already have a Class A fire extinguisher for conventional combustibles in your home. While these are great for things like paper, fabric, and plastics, water has a greater density than fats and cooking oils, and can cause splatter and spread of the flames if used on a kitchen fire. Purchasing a Class K fire extinguisher is not just a "better" option than conventional extinguishers. It is an essential, distinct fire safety tool for the kitchen, and is one of the best ways to keep you and your family safe this holiday season.

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