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Sneakpeak on Presentail’s Christmas Gifts Collection!

Sneakpeak on Presentail’s Christmas Gifts Collection!

Presentail is a Lebanese startup that specializes in delivering gifts to Lebanon, both locally and abroad. Presentail offers two key services: an online platform that makes it easy for individuals to order gifts from anywhere in the world to be delivered to Beirut or other parts of Lebanon and a delivery service that allows Lebanese both in Lebanon and abroad to send gifts to loved ones in the country without having to leave their home or office.

Presentail has recently launched their Christmas collection to offer Lebanese both at home and abroad a variety of options for special occasion presents. As Christmas is just around the corner, we thought it would be appropriate to share with you our selection of Christmas Gifts Lebanon perfect to be gifted to your loved ones in Lebanon. Our collections include flower bouquets and arrangements, Christmas decorations, alcoholic beverages, cookies, chocolate trays and bundles, and cakes!

We collaborated with the best vendors in Lebanon to guarantee you the best gifts and flowers Lebanon has to offer your dear ones! You can check out a sneakpeak on Presentail’s Christmas gifts collection right here, and for other collections, you can browse Presentail's main page!

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