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7 Reasons to Stop Falling Prey to the “Breaking News Live” Stunt of Media?

Hamza Ahmad
7 Reasons to Stop Falling Prey to the “Breaking News Live” Stunt of Media?

The term “breaking news” is often used by the media to trick people into watching the news. These two words are often used by the media to create sensationalism and hype around the news. These days every media outlet wants to cover breaking news live. Live and exclusive are the two most used words to attract viewers. Every news channel wants to be the first one to break the news. Advertisement rates for live shows are much higher than pre-recorded news bulletins. There is no denying that live transmissions are a great source of revenue for media outlets.

But, are these breaking news transmissions equally beneficial for viewers? The answer is No. In fact, live news bulletins waste a lot of your time by repeating the same news several times and often the news they give you is incomplete. There are a number of reasons why you should stop falling victim to this notorious media trick.

Waste of Time

During live news broadcasts, newscasters often keep harping on the same string for a long time. You do not learn anything new. Most of the news shows last 45 minutes to an hour. This is a lot of time for a busy person to give. One can utilize this time in a more productive way.


All over the world media industry has become a highly competitive arena. In every country, different news channels are vying to attract the maximum viewership to get high ratings. This strong competition among news channels results in sensationalism. Therefore, news channels do not present accurate news to viewers. They intend to whip up public excitement and interest by modifying the facts.

TV Addiction

Live news proves to be a drug for some people. Once they start watching news shows, they become addicted to it. Many of us are becoming used to watching news broadcasts two, three, and even more times a day. Human curiosity often doesn’t allow us to control this obsessive temptation. Many curious individuals can be seen glued to their TV screens throughout the day to watch breaking news live. Hence their curiosity leads to TV addiction.

Infinite Negativity

Negativity appeals to our minds more than any positive development. Therefore, to get high ratings, newscasters and anchorpersons give more coverage to negative developments. Resultantly, you hardly witness any positive news in live transmissions. Most of the time live coverage only feature incompetence and disasters.


They gain, you lose

Media outlets make money by making you a news addict. Live transmissions bring expensive ad contracts for them. News channels have to do what they can to keep you staring at the TV screen. The more you’re looking at the screen, the more revenue they would make through ads. News channels make money by wasting your time. They gain, you lose.

Watching breaking news live affects your mental health

Every day you just learn about a new terrorist attack, natural disaster, or some other tragedy. Any day you search for breaking news, you usually see one of the following things. A death, a scandal, a disaster, or something negative that influences you to feel anxiety, anger, or sadness. If you watch it daily, it pushes you out of your circle of influence and you start living in your circle of concern.

Newspapers and social media are better alternatives

Social media platforms and newspapers are better alternatives to watching live news transmissions. Unlike live broadcasts, newspapers provide an all-encompassing view of any news. Newspapers not only provide you with precise and complete information about any development but also enhance your vocabulary. Moreover, social media not only provide you with news but also entertain you. You can follow the social media pages of different news outlets on Facebook or Twitter to get updates.

In a nutshell, watching the breaking news live is deleterious for you in a number of ways. Live news shows do not worth your time and attention. There are a number of better alternatives to spend your spare time. In short, it is highly important to say no to live news to become more productive and have enough time to live this life to the fullest. 

Hamza Ahmad
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