EduXfactor is one of the best organizations for tableau training in Hyderabad with real-time and placement oriented with experts. In this course you will learn about data visualization.

Let's look at the Tableau distinction along with its features.Data Discovery That Is Intuitive and Doesn't Need CodingThe majority of people lack the technological expertise need.
VizQL helps you to generate complex visualizations by dragging and dropping fields.
It produces a visual representation of your results.
Then share this review in a safe environment with those that need it.Subscribing and working together:It has developed a forum for teams to remain and move discussions forward.
This is with a host of features built to place data at the center of all decisions.
This is without being limited to pre-defined queries, wizards, or map forms.

A dashboard is a consolidated display of many worksheets and related information in a single place.
The different data views are displayed all at once.
So when you modify the worksheet, the dashboard is updated and when you modify the view in the dashboard, the worksheet is updated.Individual worksheets in Tableau can lead to powerful insights that help your business, but many times, it makes sense to combine the worksheets into a single dashboard.
This post offers an introduction to dashboards in Tableau and several ways to distribute the dashboard after it has been created.An Introduction to Dashboards in TableauFor this introduction, we will recreate this dashboard in Tableau:To create a new dashboard in Tableau, either click “Dashboard” in the top navigation and then “New Dashboard” or click the New Dashboard icon at the bottom of any worksheet.
The New Dashboard icon is the second icon immediately following the existing worksheets in the workbook.Here’s a quick overview of all the different dashboard options in the left navigation:Dashboard and Layout tabsBy default, you will be working on the dashboard tab which allows you to set most aspects of the dashboard.
All sizes on the Layout tab are in pixels.Device Preview ButtonThe Device Preview button allows you see what the dashboard will look like on different devices and you can even save different versions of the dashboard so that it looks different depending on what device it is displayed on.