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Color Palettes for Playroom

SF House Painting
Color Palettes for Playroom

Spark your child's imagination with playful paint colors with house painting Richmond. You don't need to be an interior designer to create a fun and energetic space for your little ones. Discover how a fresh coat of interior house paint can help spark your child's imagination, creativity, and curiosity with house painting and handyman services San Francisco

  1. Primary Overload

Primary colors of the color scheme are known to stimulate the senses of a child and work wonders for eyesight and brain development. So, take advantage and have fun with striped playrooms to make the space more stylish.

Blue, Red & Yellow

Blue tones from powder to teal, contrasted with opium red especially in an alive setting followed by the touch of yellow for a bit of sunshine, and voila you have a hit.

Soft Greens

Green is both refreshing and nourishing for your toddler to enhance and inspire the growing years. Add some pope to the primary colors to give your child a playful decorating area.

Black, Yellow, White & Pink

While it might sound a bit edge for many, or a hipster for a few, the combination of black, white, yellow and pink is a feminine classic style with uniqueness and an unexpected essence.

SF House Painting
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