A logistics and supply chain MBA or Masters is gaining traction thanks to the success stories created by retail giants like Amazon, Starbucks, IKEA, Walmart, Target thanks to their hyper-efficient logistics and supply chain operations in the last two decades.
MBA, logistics and supply chain, Amazon, Starbucks, IKEA, Walmart, Target, Supply Chain Management, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, aviation, FMCG
Moving things along the world efficiently and in a timely manner, has never been more critical than it is today. From being just another business function, supply chain and logistics management have slowly moved up to the top of the pile of systems that enable a company to operate successfully in a highly competitive modern-day work environment. In fact, Supply Chain Management (SCM) and logistics encompass a company’s entire product or service lifecycle from development right up to sales, making it a valuable subject to learn and master.
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