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Why Should You Install A New Air Conditioner?

Why Should You Install A New Air Conditioner?

There are at least five reasons AC installation Fort Worth is the best option for you and your home. AC units typically last for ten years. When your air conditioning unit is over eight years old and you are facing costly repair bills or excessive energy costs, it is probably time to replace it. Don't wait until it breaks down. You don't want to find out how uncomfortable the air can be without it.

Energy Efficiency

By using modern air conditioning systems, you can save up to 60% on your cooling expenses. Most new models come with equipment that delivers a minimum SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) of 14. Even units that have been in use for a decade have a SEER rating of about 9. A higher rating means more energy efficiency and savings.


In general, older air conditioning units cost more to maintain and repair. Frequently, they have outlived their warranties, making it more expensive to replace parts. Even if extended warranties are in place, replacement parts might not be available. What do you do?

Environmental Friendliness

Smaller equipment can handle large cooling operations. The result is less waste material at the end of the unit's life. New air conditioners are modular in design, making it easy to disassemble the units for easy cleaning, maintenance, and servicing. Reduced labor costs result from easier access.

Indoor Air Quality

The problem of air pollution is not confined to the outdoors. Smoke, radon, mold, chemicals, and others can compromise indoor air quality. Indoor air quality has proven to pose a real and serious health risk. Building materials, insulation, carpets, furnishings, and cleaning products release pollutants. Exhaust from vehicles and industrial plant chemicals make their way indoors.

If you are looking for Air Conditioner Installers in Fort Worth, TX, then you do not need to worry. Thompson Heating and Cooling will take care of your needs.

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