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Godrej Park Retreat Apartment launching 2, 3 and 4 BHK Sale Price is 36.25 lacs, 45.25 lacs and 56.69 lacs in Sarjapur Road

Godrej Park Retreat
Godrej Park Retreat Apartment launching 2, 3 and 4 BHK Sale Price is 36.25 lacs, 45.25 lacs and 56.69 lacs in Sarjapur Road

Godrej Park Retreat is a futuristic household ground plan by the Godrej plots off Sarjapur Road in Bangalore.

Godrej Park Retreat Apartment is a complex premise Retreat consists of 800 Plus houses. The substitute takeoff is among the most anticipated systems by Godrej.

Godrej Park Retreat Sarjapur Road hosts some of the stylish apartment complexes in east Bangalore. There are numerous IT companies. It's a fleetly growing area.

With this Pre-launch luxury flat on Sarjapur road, Godrej will produce another corner.

Godrej Parcels are the leading real estate investor in the megacity. This inventor is known for affordable homes and abstract domestic systems.

It has numerous ongoing systems in the megacity.

Godrej Park Retreat
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