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Learn vietnamese - lingo.edu.sg

Learn chinese in Singapore - Lingo School of Knowledge
Learn vietnamese - lingo.edu.sg

The Lingo Language School is located in Singapore and offers a variety of language courses, including a Vietnamese language course. Private and group classes may both benefit students, and everyone is encouraged to choose the option that interests them the most. Native speakers teach the lessons, and those teachers are qualified and expert. Every now and then, the trainer's skills are evaluated, which guarantees that the quality will improve over time. There are also classes in other languages. You can ask them any questions you have by contacting them.

Address: 87 Beach Rd, #03-01 Chye Sing Building, Singapore 189695

Phone: 65 6253 3320

Website: https://www.lingo.edu.sg/

Learn chinese in Singapore - Lingo School of Knowledge
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