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How to Strike the Right Chord Between Personal and Professional Life

Mila Jones
How to Strike the Right Chord Between Personal and Professional Life

Work-life balance is an integral aspect of a healthy work environment. If an individual can create the right balance between work and personal life, they can prevent the risk of burn-outs as well as a lot of unwanted stress. Unfortunately, so many working professionals in today’s generation are not being able to create that balance in their lives.


In this article, we will see five simple steps that will help all those who want to find the right work-life balance and thereby help them create a positive atmosphere around themselves. All that is needed to achieve this is a bit of self-discipline and a will to continue despite failure. So, let us get started with it.


●   Have a To-Do List


One of the common traits in those successful people who manage to create excellent work-life balance is that they all have a To-Do list. It can be daily, monthly or even yearly, but they do have a set of objectives in their list to finish. Successful individuals do believe that without a set of goals, it becomes almost impossible to strike the right chord between work and personal life.


While creating a To-Do List, keep in mind that you have to devote a specific time to each task you are going to do. Having a deadline will help you push your limits and increase your productivity as well.


●   Start an Exercise Routine


Physical Exercise plays a vital role in improving the overall focus of an individual, thereby improving his/her productivity as well as efficiency. When you are regularly working out, you will notice that you not only have the energy to do the tasks but also enough mettle to deal with all kinds of obstacles.


If you think you are struggling with lifting heavy weights, start off with basic exercises like Push-ups, Chin-ups and Squats. These exercises boost strength and help in keeping you in good shape as well.


●   Declutter Your Work-Space


Your workspace should be as important as your work itself. This is because you are sitting at a specific place for 7-8 hours, and the place ought to be free of any kind of a mess. Moreover, a lot of time can be saved by keeping the workplace clean which otherwise would have been lost in searching for important files and other stuff.


The first thing you should do to declutter your workspace is to remove all kinds of unwanted papers and things. You will be surprised to see the free space you get by doing this thing. Secondly, eliminate visual distractions from your desk as it will help you to direct your focus solely on your work.


●   Shun Addictions


Substance abuse at the workplace has now become a common thing and it is not at all a good sign for working professionals, especially the youth. They are taking the help of intoxicants to escape from the stress, which only creates more misery in the longer run. What happens is the individual will have to deal with stress as well as the addiction also.


If you are addicted to antioxidants like Smoking and Drinking, know that these two are the biggest hindrance to maintaining a good work-life balance.


For those of you who are looking to desperately quit cigarettes, there exist some excellent alternatives to smoking today which can help you end your addiction today. To overcome alcoholism, try reducing your drinking quota gradually. The technique surely works.


●   Get a Sleep of Around 7-8 Hours


Not getting enough sleep can result in a lot of negative outcomes and it includes a hampered work-life balance as well. So, it will be highly difficult for you to juggle your work and personal life effectively if you are someone who is regularly missing out on sleep, Irritability, lack of focus, indecisiveness are some of the problems associated with a lack of sleep


To get good sleep, try retiring to bed at the same time every night. All of us have a biological clock that regulates the cycle of the circadian rhythm. So, if you can hit the bed at a specific time every night, you will be able to doze off quickly. Moreover, try putting away gadgets like smartphones and laptops 2 hours before sleep, as most of them emit blue light which can disturb your sleep all night.




So you have just seen five simple steps for creating the right work-life balance which will help you to have success, both professionally and personally. Before starting out these steps, you need to remove all kinds of negative thoughts that pull you down to mediocrity. Have a clear vision that you can be successful in both your work and life and then real success won’t take much time to reach you. 

Mila Jones
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