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How do I Reset my Canon IP7250 Printer?

Printer Support Plus
How do I Reset my Canon IP7250 Printer?

What are the Steps to Reset the Canon IP7250 Printer?

Pinter has become the necessity of the hour. The Canon printer has become the savior for many users who need to do paperwork on the go. It has a series of Canon printers that efficiently complete your documentation. Canon IP7250 is one such product of Canon printers leading the digital world. However, there are times when you face issues in printing with Canon IP7250 printers. In such cases, you may need to reset your printer. You can take the help from the instructions given below in this article.

How Can I Reset my Canon IP7250 Printer?

If you want to reset your Canon printer, you need to follow the simple steps given below:

  • The first step is to open your Canon printer and open the menu.
  • Select Device Settings using the arrow of the Canon printer.
  • Tap on OK and pick the Resetting option.
  • Hit the OK button and Turn Off your Printer.
  • Next, you are required to press the Stop and Power button simultaneously.
  • While pressing the Power Button, you have to release and press the Stop button twice.
  • Wait for 30 seconds till you see “O” on your screen.
  • Tap on the Stop button 4 times to continue the process.
  • Now, push the Power button twice and then turn off your printer.

With the above procedure, you can successfully reset your printer. However, you can also use another method to reset your IP7250 canon printer. You need to open the printer and hold the Cancel button until the Power light flashes nine times and then release the button. By using any of the methods, you can find the answer to your question, How do I reset my Canon printer? If you want to get further information about the Canon printer, you can contact the technician person of Canon.

Printer Support Plus
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