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Get Five Common Types Of Business Research

Michael Haydon
Get Five Common Types Of Business Research

As a student or company serviceman, you may have taken a business research assignment help to analyse the competitiveness for a better marketing approach. But, did you ever try to examine the type of business research you took the help of? Do you know the different types of business research we have?

Let’s explore.

1. Interview and survey

This form of business research is a very significant source of coursework help. It is similar to a survey, with the only difference being that interviewees can question back in an interview, while they must only answer in the survey. In this form of qualitative business research, you can recognise the detailed perspective of a person regarding the subject of study. For example, a smartphone company researched to recognise why certain genders prefer specific colours. The survey resulted that women identify themselves with red more than other colours. That’s why they like it much more than men.

2. Focus Groups

Focus groups are similar to interviews. Here a set of individuals are interviewed, each belonging to a specific target market category. Though this form of business research is primarily used for launching new products, it offers business marketing Biology assignment help for all academic tasks. For example, if a student gets an assignment regarding Tesla’s futures market in India, students might survey potential Indian buyers.

3. Correlation research

Students conduct correlation research to recognise the relationship between two substances and how they impact each other. The mathematical algorithm offers assignment help to students to find the collection between the two variables. It helps them discern the pattern, relationship, trends, etc. For example, students can research genders and colours to conduct correlational research for identifying the colour of a specific product they prefer. We are also providing financial statement analysis assignment help from top assignment writers.

4. Causal-Comparative research

In this form of research, students conduct business research on two independent variables. First, they establish an independent variable and examine its effects on the dependent variable. A change in one variable can influence the entire group.

For example, a student can conduct the educational facilities of an entire group like in a few villages. It will show them how academic qualification changes with a villages’ vicinity to a town or city.

5. Experimental research

Students conduct experimental research to prove a theory. This form of business research brings out the behavioural traits of the consumer, which can be a source of significant revenue. Here students observe a group of individuals and later analyse how their behaviour impacts specific parameters of business. For example, students can explore if a particular effect of colour on consumers’ hunger. They may implement that in the brand logo.

Thus, the discussion above highlights the 5 business research types. Use them justifiably in your assignment.

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URL Reference: https://site-4010044-409-5453.mystrikingly.com/blog/5-common-types-of-business-research

Michael Haydon
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