Hyperspin: the kid's dream(kinhank hyperspin hdd)
We have been wanting to restore an Arcade for a long time
It is not easy and you have to invest hours in it, hours that you have to get out of the PES championships, the gathering to eat with the kids or even when we go catching. In any case, it is such a pending account that it has become imminent: this year we are going to do it .
And the desire returned recently, when in a classified we saw that a technician who was dedicated to the repair of Arcades (and now only fixes electronics) sells the furniture he rented at an excellent price. But there was a problem, the restoration involved everything from repairing parts of the chipboard, getting the VGA adapter> CRT tube that costs about $ 200 and more, something that complicated the project quite a bit. In fact, somewhere I used, with enough certainty, the following phrase: “we are wanting to turn a submarine into a collective” .
That is why we made a rollback and realized that perhaps it is simpler to do everything from scratch. Even more so when I discovered this great tutorial by Berny CBS who put together this beauty ...
So, with phase 0 of the project decided and ready. It only remains to start to find out prices of things, and most importantly, to get to work in some free time. As a curiosity: I have the same Grundig TV that the author of the post used, so in theory it will be a near perfect clone.
Once you have decided to build it from scratch and not buy a piece of furniture, what remains is to find out a little about PC control adapters, necessary equipment and more. That I am going to put in time, in the style "step by step", what I want to show you now is a genius that I did not know and that really left me with my mouth open: Hyperspin.
It is a frontend (an application that acts as a layer and launches others) for different emulators, including MAME, called Hiperspin, it is a visually fantastic program that would replace the boring menus of emulators, don't you believe me? look.
Absolutely geek pr0n. With a launcher like this you want to build the furniture NOW, right?