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5 Benefits of Mobile Banking

Aman Nigam
5 Benefits of Mobile Banking

Many banks have come up with their own banking app which people can use to carry out their transactions and avail of the services of the bank. People can open a free mobile banking account on these apps. Most shops have started accepting payments online as many people pay their bills online. This has revolutionised the way people transact their money and pay bills.

There are many apps that people can use for mobile banking. People can install the app from playstore/appstore or from the link mentioned on the website of the bank. There are numerous benefits of mobile banking. Some of these benefits are:

●      Convenient

People can transact their money conveniently through their free mobile banking account. This allows them to pay their bills online with just a few clicks! People do not need to stand in long queues to withdraw their money as well. They can check all the services provided by the bank while banking online and do not need to visit the bank. Users can easily avail of the services of the bank through mobile banking.

●      Safe and secure

Banking apps are encrypted, which means no third party person or company can view the transactions taking place through them. This reduces the chances of the account getting hacked. These apps generally have a security PIN set by the individual to gain access to the free mobile banking account. The app will not give access to anyone into the account without entering this security PIN. Apart from this, mobile banking eliminates the need for people to carry cash to pay their bills. This reduces the chances of theft as well.

●      Online shopping

The free mobile banking account generally has a different shop section for people to purchase their favourite items directly from the app. People can purchase their products for a comparatively lesser price than the market. While purchasing from the app, users receive cash backs or discount coupons from the brands associated with the bank. People can use these discount coupons while shopping from the brand in the future. Some bank apps even provide its users with loyalty points that they could redeem during their future purchases.


●      Alerts

Many banking apps provide the people with alerts on new offers that they can avail of. They can even check the trending services so that they do not miss out on anything and stay in constant touch with the bank. People can set alerts on the app to remind them to pay their bills and to track their expenses. Most apps provide its users with the option of customising the alerts so that they receive a different tone for the various alerts set.

●      Budgeting

People can set a budget on their free mobile banking account to help them control their expenses. The app will notify the individual when the limit is reached and will not transact any amount above the limit set. Some bank apps even provide its users with the facility of deciding where they would spend specific portions of their amount.


We hope that this article was useful and you carry out all your future transactions through the mobile banking app. Thank you!

Aman Nigam
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