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Voltex Security

Have you been looking for ways to get a security camera installed in your home or office and don't know how to get started? Or are you new to the world of video surveillance and want to know the nitty-gritty of the whole system? Then, this guide is what you need to read.


Having a security camera system with installation packages is a big deal these days as they help secure your home and business. Depending on the package you choose, you can go from having video evidence of your properties to knowing where needs to be updated in your security system. Read on to find out more about how this security system works.


How should the CCTV camera be positioned?

The positioning of the camera differs from place to place. For instance, in the office, the camera needs to be positioned at an angle that allows for everyone coming in to be noticed. If it is in the home, indoor cameras might be exceptional, so location always matters. Therefore, you must settle the purpose of your camera installation before making a move. If you have decided on the indoor or outdoor position, the next major step is to spot where the camera should be positioned in those places.


Where can an indoor camera be installed?

Depending on the advice of the installation company, your indoor camera can be positioned at any spot in the home. Since it won't require so much drilling of holes like the outdoor camera, you can place a spot that gives a good view of the room. The selected area should be a little hidden from intruders but should also cover a good amount of the room. By doing this, you will see what is going on in every angle of your home while away. Also, ask for the commercial and residential CCTV camera system installation cost before settling for any camera to enjoy the best of it.


Where can an outdoor camera be installed?

The outdoor camera can be positioned anywhere, but the most common places covering everyone coming in are the front and garage doors. These two places are perfect for installing your outdoor camera. Whether there are security cameras and installation charges or not, installing at those places will help capture most actions happening outside your home.


What does the installation entail?

Before any installation occurs in a place, there are specific procedures that must precede it. If you check through any security camera system with installation packages, you should see the following breakdown.


1. Assessment

The first thing any CCTV installation service will do is make a site assessment of the house needing the installation. The floor plan will be thoroughly looked at to know if there will be a blockage to the installation. All these will be included in the security camera and installation charges which will be discussed before installation.


2. System configuration

The next major step is the local configuration. Because every location has a unique security system that matches the CCTV equipment, the configuration is needed before installing.


3. Installation

This involves the positioning, focusing, and setting up of the CCTV camera. It can either be done by experts or house owners, but it is best to allow professionals to handle it.


4. Workstation configuration

If you want to link your CCTV camera to your devices or have a remote workstation, then you can do so. All you need to do is inform the installation company about your preference.


What CCTV camera is best for installation?

There are three power options for the CCTV camera. If you don't go for the wired, you can settle for the other two: wireless or wire-free.


I. Wired - this type of camera option relies on the use of wires for connection. This means for you to connect to the power source and the internet, you need wires.


II. Wireless - the wireless requires wires also but just for the power. It connects to the internet without the use of wires which makes it different from the wired.


III. Wire-free - the only type of camera that doesn't require a wire for power connection and internet is wire-free. It works on battery and connects to the internet via wifi.


These camera options are excellent, but if you choose wired, you have to think of the additional cost for wires before fixing it. Also, note that they all come with commercial & residential CCTV Camera System installation cost depending on where they will be placed.



Hopefully, this guide has answered many of your questions on CCTV camera installation. If you plan to get the camera installed in your home or office, this should help you navigate properly, you can also take help from Voltex Security System to get your CCTV camera installed at the best installation cost.

Voltex Security
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