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Occupational Health and Safety Courses

Occupational Health and Safety Courses

The EMA (Employers & Manufacturers Association) has been helping Kiwi businesses succeed for over 130 years. They offer a range of services from advocacy and consultancy to quality business training courses. Their experienced consultants are able to assist businesses in all sectors and industries so they can reach their full potential. 

The EMA has a unique membership network that allows businesses to grow their network through exclusive events. Members also receive invaluable advice and support through AdviceLine, a free service that connects you to experts in legal, HR, health and safety, and more. You will also benefit from legal advisory services, with an experienced team able to advocate on your behalf on government policy that could impact businesses in NZ. 

For those looking to upskill and ensure the smooth operation of their business, the EMA has a range of training courses lead by experienced consultants. The health and safety training courses available result in a certification for your business and ensure the safety of your employees is put first. To keep your business moving in the right direction and tackle any issues successfully, the EMA has a tailored business development training course in Auckland and Christchurch. 

To secure your membership with the EMA or book a spot in one of their business training sessions and occupational health and safety courses, visit the website here: https://www.ema.co.nz/.

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