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Mastering Operations & Supply Chain Management in a post-COVID World

Mastering Operations & Supply Chain Management in a post-COVID World

While the COVID-19 pandemic causes economic upheaval across the globe, modern operations and supply chains are experiencing unexampled stress and increased dependency. In 2020, nearly 75% of companies reported the disruption of their global supply chains due to COVID-19 restrictions on transportation. However, the scale-up of digitisation with the pandemic has had an additional impact on the way businesses operate.

Addressing the current global crises and keeping in mind the digital transformation in the new era; impossible is nothing. Technology has revolutionised the industry; hence, creating several ways for businesses to operate supply chains in a post-COVID world. The core technologies for Industry 4.0 enable the reduction in dependency on physical labour in operations and supply chains.

Industry 4.0 is related to technological development and digitalisation that ensure improvements in productivity. In Industry 4.0, Operations and Supply Chain Management is the blend of technology, logistics, strategy, and transformation. The emerging technologies can result in resilience improvements such as efficiency, responsiveness, reliability, visibility, flexibility, transparency, and traceability. The proposed framework could support policymakers in the development of a COVID-19 Action Plan. According to the research paper published in ScienceDirect, Industry 4.0 has the potential to act as a major engine to reduce the impact of identified challenges on retailers in addressing the pandemic. The evolution of OSCM amidst Industry 4.0 will not only increase the productivity of businesses but will also be a game-changer in supply chain management.

Mastering the Skills with IIM Kashipur’s Executive Programme in OSCM

IIM Kashipur’s Executive Programme in Operations & Supply Chain Management aims to train professionals to comprehend managerial skills in today’s rapidly advancing world. The course not only upskills the candidates to cope with the unpredictability of supply chains but also trains them for unforeseen challenges.

The Operations & Supply Chain Management programme enables professionals to master advanced concepts like Process Design, Product-process Matrix, Risk Pooling & Bullwhip Effect, Project Portfolio Management, Supply Chain 4.0, and Six Sigma Metrics. The course has various other benefits that provide one with the progress that one seeks. Once professionals understand the frameworks for Supply Chain Strategy and Management, they can excel further in their careers. The course enables professionals to explore a whole new side of OSCM as advancing technologies have unlocked varied job opportunities in this domain.

IIM Kashipur’s Operations & Supply Chain Management programme guides candidates to grow in their respective careers. The programme can also be the key to salary increments and better work-life management. Some of the highest paying job profiles in Operations & Supply Chain Management are Inventory Planner, Purchasing Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Logistics Manager, Project Manager, Production Manager, and many more. The programme offers rigorous modules designed by domain experts as well as rich networking opportunities. The long-term benefits of mastering the skills of Operations & Supply Chain Management are endless.

To know more: https://timestsw.com/course/iim-kashipur-executive-programme-in-operations-supply-chain-management/

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