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Why Hand Block Printed Bedsheets are Worth Investing In?

Teertha India
Why Hand Block Printed Bedsheets are Worth Investing In?
  • If your home has white or plain walls and you have an earthy decor in your home, having block print bedsheets spread on your bed or diwan will break the monotony and add hues of vibrant colours to your room. There are a variety of colours, designs and combinations available when it comes to block printed bedcovers. There is also a huge variety of quilts that have outstanding block prints on them. The AC quilts are extremely handy when it comes to using them during the cool seasonal weather or when you are sitting relaxed with the air conditioner on and need something to warm you or make you feel more comfortable. Urban households have a common favourite when it comes to these quilts and bedsheets due to their beauty and attractive designs.

  • The love for hand block printed bedsheets is not just limited to India. People who come from abroad such as Europe or America are big fans of these designs. They get enamoured of the handicrafts that our country has to offer and take bags full when they return home. Therefore, it is not uncommon for you to find block printed bedcovers when you visit people’s homes in other countries.

  • It is a good idea to invest in block prints if you want to make small changes in the decor of your home. It is not possible to change one’s furniture or colours of the walls every now and then, therefore if you have stylish applique bedsheets or colourful block printed bedcovers, your home will look attractive and vibrant without you having to make too much of an effort.
Teertha India
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