The days are getting shorter and there’s a nip in the air. With frost warnings around the corner, it won’t be long until the Fall colour season is in full swing. One of the truly most glorious sights is the red, orange, and yellow splendour of maple trees.
Why do maple leaves change colour? In early September, the shortened days and cooler nights signal the trees to prepare for winter. Photosynthesis shuts down, and the masking chlorophyll that gives the summer leaves their green colour, fades and gives way to the reds, oranges, and yellows. As a sugar maker in Quebec, it’s our favourite time of year to work among the maples. The forest glows with a warm lightness – from the tallest reaches of the tree crowns to the young saplings at my feet. At Enmoderable, we produce the best quality maple sugar in Quebec. Our pure maple sugar grade A is very famous among food enthusiasts and restauranteurs.
All summer long, the maple leaves have been producing sugar and sending it down to the tree roots for storage over winter. When the springtime freeze and thaw cycle start again in March, the sap will flow from the roots to the upper branches, and the maple syrup production season will be in full swing. Due to our maple trees and fine sugar-making skills, Quebec maple syrup has been judged to be some of the finest made in Canada with its full-bodied, rich maple flavour. Countless grand champion and first place awards have been earned by local sugar makers throughout the state. Give it a try and you will taste the difference!
Not only for pancakes and waffles but Enmoderable’s' maple syrup can also be used in many of your favourite recipes. Use as a natural sweetener in desserts, on oatmeal, or yogurt. It’s great in coffee lattes, BBQ sauces, salad dressings, and exotic cocktails to name a few. Its uses are endless.
So why not enjoy the beautiful fall colours and delicious, award-winning Quebec maple syrup. You can purchase real Quebec maple syrup at many local grocery stores, gift shops, farmers’ markets, onsite at the maple syrup producers’ sugarbush, or online at their website. Several maple producers are open for tours this Fall. Your purchase of Quebec maple syrup supports our sugar makers and local farm economy.
Take in the beautiful Fall colours and enjoy locally produced Quebec maple syrup. From tap to table, it’s the best!