There are numerous myths about Clear Braces in Valencia, CA, for correcting misaligned teeth, underbites, gaps between the teeth, crooked teeth, an overbite, more. The misconception about the clear braces prevents people from using them. They do not clearly understand what clear braces are, what they can do, and how they treat teeth problems. Thus to clear all those myths, we have listed some truths about Clear Braces in Santa Clarita.
Clear braces can rectify only minor corrections.
It is one of the largest misconceptions about clear braces. The type of corrections is dependent on the brace type the person is wearing. There are cases where the gap between the two teeth is too enormous or overlaps each other too much. Apart from those problems, clear braces can handle and rectify any minor teeth correction with ease.
Clear braces took a longer time to show progress than the wire braces.
It is again a wrong statement about clear braces, as they take only half the time to heal the teeth, compared to the conventional metal wire braces. In some circumstances, people can remove their Clear Braces in Valencia, CA, within six months. However, it usually takes one year to align the teeth. There are some exceptional cases where the person has to wear the clear brace for more than 1.5 years. But the problem will require 2 to 3 years to get solved by the wire braces.
Clear braces are uncomfortable to wear as they cover the entire tooth.
If you ask anyone wearing wired braces how they feel, you will get only moaning as answers. Wire braces are clumsy, large, and dig deep inside the gums. Clear braces, on the contrary, are used through the help of computerized design for offering an exact and perfect fit for the individual teeth. The braces are nearly your nail thickness, and people will forget that they are wearing something after a few days. Clear Braces in Santa Clarita is a shout-out winner compared to wired braces in terms of comfortability.
Clear braces can fall out of the mouth unexpectedly.
The manufacturers design clear braces through CAD with incredible and precise measurements. The clear brace is produced with the help of the latest technologies and customized as per your tooth shape. So there is no way clear braces can unexpectedly slip out of your mouth. The braces will remain in their desired place firmly. However, removing them is easy and simple, not applicable for wired braces.
Bottom Line
So these are some of the myths and truths that you should know before fitting the best Clear Braces in Valencia, CA. It is evident from above that the benefits of clear braces are much more than the wired ones.
Jack Allinson is the author of this article. For more details about Retainers Treatment in Santa Clarita Please visit our website: