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Common Types of Headaches & When to See a Doctor

Common Types of Headaches & When to See a Doctor

Headache is discomfort or pain around the face or head area, which is experienced by almost everyone in this world. Sometimes, these headaches can be very painful or stay for a long period. There are different types of headaches based on the intensity and symptoms.

Different types of headaches require different treatments such as home remedies, over-the-counter medicines, or doctor examinations. Read on to get an insight into the most common types of headaches.

Types of Headaches

There are mainly two types of headaches:

1. Primary Headache - It is not caused by any underlying health condition or illness. The headache causes are processed foods, fatigue, skipping meals, alcohol, sleep deprivation, and stress.

2. Secondary Headache - These types of headaches are caused due to underlying medical conditions such as illness, infection, or an injury. It may not be harmful usually but can be dangerous sometimes.

Types of Primary & Secondary Headaches

Primary and secondary headaches are further classified into the following:

  • Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are primary headaches that are defined by severe pain behind the eyes. It is also accompanied by redness, a running nose, small pupils, and drooping eyelids. Cluster headaches can stay for a longer period, ranging from days and weeks to months. It may partially stay for many months and years. Foods containing nitrates such as bacon or meat, heat, bright light, tobacco, and alcohol cause such headaches. 


  • Prednisone - A medicine used to decrease swelling and inflammation
  • Verapamil - A medicine used for blood vessel relaxation
  • Oxygen treatment
  • Change in lifestyles such as stopping smoking or alcohol consumption

  • Sinus Headache

This is a secondary type of headache that has symptoms like swollen face, fever, runny nose, itching and congestion, pain in the forehead, ears, eyes, sinuses, and face. It can last from a few days to several weeks


  • OTC Pain Relievers
  • Allergy Medications
  • Decongestants
  • Nasal Corticosteroid
  • Saline Nasal Spray

  • Tension Headache

This primary headache is one of the most common headaches, which happens to almost everyone. It is accompanied by symptoms such as pressure on the forehead and slight pain on the left or right side of the head. It can last from half an hour to a few hours.


  • Stress-Relieving Activities
  • Regular Exercise
  • Consistent Sleep Schedule
  • Antidepressant Medicines
  • Pain Relieving Medicines

  • Migraine

It is a primary type of headache that has symptoms like distorted vision, nausea, increase in sound & light sensitivity, and neck or face pain. It can last from a few hours to a few days.


  • Over-the-counter medicines for migraine prevention
  • Prescription medicines to stop migraine and relieve pain

When to See a Doctor?

You need to see a doctor if you have:

  • Increasing intensity of pain in the head
  • More frequent headaches
  • Interference in your daily normal activities and work routine
  • No Improvement in headache after consuming over-the-counter medicines

If you are suffering from a headache that has been occurring for a long time, slowly increasing in pain and spreading to other areas, then you should get yourself checked for other problems such as cancer or a tumor in the head. Consult a physician immediately if you are experiencing the worst headache of your life. 

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