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How to find a mountain bike?

How to find a mountain bike?

If you are a road rider looking for thrills and adventure, riding a mountain bike is the best way to pursue your passion. However, finding the right mountain bike is not easy; here are some tips on finding the perfect mountain bike in Vancouver.


1. Types of the trail you want to climb

Today, mountain bikes come in various styles suited for different types of riding. The first step is to understand different types of mountain riding like cross country riding, trail riding, all mountains riding, free riding. If you are a beginner, discuss the trails in your area and the bikes they like to ride with your friends. 


2. The size matters

The frame size matters a lot when it comes to buying mountain bikes. Each bike comes with slated specifications and a rough sizing chart. A bike that is too small in size or big can leave you with back pain. The right bike size is best to go for. You should take a demo and ride to feel about it. Once the frame size is sorted, you can ask the specialist about the technical specifications.


3. Technical specifications

There are a lot of technical specifications and features that you should ask for. Two of the biggest ones are suspension and wheel size. The suspension comes in various styles.


Full suspension- The full suspension absorbs the shock waves and is meant for rough terrain. If you are climbing the mountains, restrict suspension; otherwise, you may lose your energy.

Hardtail- The suspension makes the climbing process efficient and easy. The bikes with these suspensions are cheaper and easy to handle; however, this suspension does not work for a rougher ride. 

Rigid- In this, there is no suspension. It's easy to maintain; however, it cannot absorb shocks and bumps. You will see this on fat bikes; they float over rough terrain because of their huge tyres.


Wheel size

The wheel size is another factor to look into before starting the journey. The best is to go for a demo ride. The wheel size comes in various measurements like 


26 inches wheels are lighter in weight, strong and quick when it comes to twists and turns; however, they don't roll easily on rough terrain. 

29 inches wheel- These wheels are stronger than above and provide great ability to climb the obstacles; however, they are heavy and is not ideal for riding for short-statured people.

27.5 inches wheel- these wheels have the agility and can easily roll over rough terrain; however, they don't have as much ability to climb over the trail obstacles.


Wrap Up

These are simple tips and tricks to choose a mountain bike. However, what matters the most is buying from a reputed supplier. BSP Bikes is counted as one among them.

John Stevens is the author of this article. To know more details about Electric Road Bike in Vancouver BC please visit our website: bspbikes.com

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