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1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Rudraksha

Size: 29MM-32MM

Origin: Sri Lanka

Ruling God: Lord Shiva

Ruling Planet: All

1 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra: Om Hareem Namah

One Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the rarest Rudraksha found in nature. Considered most auspicious, it is said to have been blessed by Lord Shiva himself, and is, therefore, the most powerful bead.

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is made from the first teardrops of Lord Shiva that rolled down his cheeks and solidified as 1 Mukhi Rudraksha. Found naturally in two shapes, round and half-moon, 1 Face Rudrakshas are sourced mostly from Sri Lanka and South India and as the name suggests, has one face.

Who can wear 1 Mukhi Rudraksha? The wearer of this Rudraksha receives the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. It washes all kinds of sins and bad past karma.

1 Mukhi Rudraksha bead represents a link between consciousness and super consciousness or symbolically a connection between Earth and Heaven. It, thus, proves beneficial for anyone desiring moksha, wealth, health, and success. The wearer is freed from the incessant cycle of birth and death.

1 Mukhi Rudraksha mala confers upon the wearer spiritual enlightenment and material pleasures equally without making him attached to them.

Rudrakshahub provide 100% original 1 Mukhi Rudraksha along with Lab certificate of authenticity from government-recognized India’s top Gemological and Rudraksha Labs.

Buy 1 Mukhi Rudrakshahttps://rudrakshahub.com/1-Mukhi-Rudraksha-Indonesian

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