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Chemical Peel Treatment for Acne and Wrinkles in Greenbelt

Internal Beauty Med Spa
Chemical Peel Treatment for Acne and Wrinkles in Greenbelt

Chemical peel treatment gives fresh and radiant glow, this is used to treat wrinkles, discolored skin, and scars. Glycolic acid or salicylic acid.

Peels are an excellent way to remove debris from clogged pores as well as clear away the surface layer of dead skin. This removal process encourages cellular turnover, giving your skin a fresh and radiant glow! Chemical peels are also used to treat wrinkles, discolored skin, and scars, typically on the face. Peels can be done at different depths, from light to deep. Deeper chemical peels offer more dramatic results but also require more intensive care and longer recovery periods.

Internal Beauty Med Spa
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